(Disclaimer: I'm in one of those moods were i'm proud of myself and excited about my future. Please excuse me if this post sounds haughty -- for lack of a better word. Many people have nurtured and believed in me. That and Jehovah are the source of my convictions and drive.. Now, let me get this KANYE WEST off my chest)
Y'all don't know my struggle. Y'all can't match my hustle. You can't catch my hustle. You can't fathom my love, dude."
(10 cents to the person who knows what song this is from)
Don't get it twisted now, I'm legit. But i'm still a hustler. I'm about to graduate college in 4 months and i'm on my grind. I've got a client that i'm doing a PR campaign for, Another company wants to be my client for some copy and PR work, and I just got an inquiry into some graphic design for a third company. But you know what's funny, I don't even have a business card yet, nonetheless a company. That's what you call a hustler.
Plus, they don't know it yet, but Perry Publishing and Broadcasting (yes, the people who hired me to write for The Black Chronicle) just found his newest PR intern too.
Yesterday I told me new mentor, "I just need someone to let me in the door because once they do watch out." YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO CATCH ME. It might be in your best interst to keep me out if you want to make some money in the Entertainemnt, graphic design, magazine and PR field. I do it all.
You know how Kanye locked himself in his room doing five beats a day for three summers. I kept myself in Oklahoma learning EVERY aspect of any type of the mass communications business. I learned how to start a magazine from the business side. I learned how to write the features that go inside. I learned how to do graphic design with InDesign and Photoshop. Meaning, I can make anything from a party flyer to the 50 page spread in Vogue. I learned how to do PR Research, I learned how to coordinate a camapaign. I became the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of the largest step show in the Midwest with a $30,000 budget $45,000 in ticket sales alone and told Fonsworth Bently what to say on the stage. the hottest DJ in Houston just called my phone asking me if I could coordinate an event to bring Soldier Boy and dem (and dem, haha) to OKC last minute. I learned how to do press releases and brochures and fact sheets and issue ads. OH yea, I can make advertisments too!!! I know what a bleed is. Basically, whatever you need I CAN GET IT DONE, believe me.
Hate me if you want to, but in this business you got to believe you can do anything... and I can. I love this stuff. It's my passion. Wish me luck cuz i'm bout to take off.
Anybody want a ride????????
I want a ride! You're the bomb sis!
Jay, I'm so happy for you!I always knew you were on point, but seeing the list enumerated, it's like dang. I feel so fortunate to have you as a friend and as a role model. Keep on truckin' and I'll catch you in D.C.
Spaceship, where's my dough?
One of my favorite Kanye songs off all time.
its from Spaceship and i want my ten cents...
now moving on!
YOU ROCK!!! Do you, you gotta hustle...you gotta have MORE than ONE way of doing things and making money, just remember as you make it, save it! pay yourself first even if its just 5% of a job...so you can always have your own money...and can manuver
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